The Dubuisson Brewery puts its 250 years of history, passion and know-how at the service of its beers. This is how it has built a varied range of beers, suitable for different tasting moments and answering the pleasures of all beer lovers!

With the Bush range, it offers pure tasting beers. Whether it is the Bush Caractère, the Bush Triple or the Bush de Noël, each of them has a strong personality. This is also the case for the Surfine, which is unanimously appreciated by connoisseurs, and for the beers matured in oak barrels. Finally, the Dubuisson range also includes festive beers such as Pêche Mel’Bush, Fram’Bush, Rasta Trolls and Cuvée des Trolls.

Discover the universe of each beer


The Bush de Noël was introduced in 1991 to respond to consumer demands for the ideal beer to add lustre to their end-of-year celebrations.

The Bush de Noël is brewed solely from malts, hops, candy sugar and water. It is a filtered, top-fermented beer with an alcohol volume of 12%. The use of caramel malts produces a copper-coloured beer with a full, rounded taste. The Bush de Noël owes its fruity taste and subtle hop aromas to the well-thought out choice of hops in this brew.

The Bush de Noël is brewed in limited volumes but has already achieved the status of a classic beer for the end-of-year celebrations.







The taste

The Bush de Noël is amber in colour with aromas ranging from banana and pineapple to caramel and dried fruits.

The Bush de Noël is full, rounded and beautifully dense.

It has a slightly bitter taste with an underlying sweetness, yielding to aromas of caramel and praline and rewards the drinker with a satisfyingly long finish.

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POV : moi et mes potes quand une Fram’Bush est dans les parages 👀🍺!
Un jour un pote savant m’a dit « Le service de la bière est un art » 🎨… Depuis, je suis devenu l'un des plus grands artistes de mon époque 👩🏾‍🎨👨🏻‍🎨 !
Ça dégouline d’amour par ici ❤️‍🔥 ! C’est qui ton gang d’amour avec qui tu pourrais partager ce plateau de Fram’Bush ?! 👩🏼 ❤️👨🏽 ❤️🧔🏻‍♂️❤️ 👱🏻‍♀️
✋🏻 STOP! Ne passe pas à côté de cette Fram’Bush! 🍺 Attrape là avant que quelqu’un d’autre ne s’en saisisse…
Alerte à la pépite 💎🍺 Cette beauté rose 🩷, son goût délicat de framboise😋, l’intensité de la Bush💥 , l’onctuosité de sa mousse. On en est dingue 🤪! Et vous ?